Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh My---Updates Finally!!

I cannot believe it has been a year since I wrote anything on here.
*Vern is working after 17 months of unemployment. He loves his job and is giving life to help those threatened by a possible flood on the Green River.
*Christy is loving Troy University and has been accepted to the School of Education and is carrying a straight A grade average. Our delightful son-in-law, Randy has been accept to Warrant Officer school for the Army but does not know when his journey will begin.
*Our grand puppies, Buddie and Baylee go weekly to visit a nursing home in Enterprise, Alabama and they do such a wonderful job of loving the residents there.
*Brian has started a new career with Edward Jones as a financial advisor and he is doing very well. Megan continues to give care, love and awesome care to her patients.
*Our very sweet and special grandkids (Randy's two young ones) each have had a birthday. Emma was 6 in September and Jared turned 10, December 4. I was thrilled and honored to spend an entire month with them in Alabama in July. Grandma Connie got to go to Disney World and Panana City with them. What a ball I had. I love being Grandma and Vern loves being Grandpa Vern!!
*Samantha Case, our precious grand girl because of Rudy and Anne Case melts my heart each time I see her. She now says, "I love you!" There is nothing any better than that AND she will have a new baby brother or sister the end of April. WHOOOOPPPPEEEE
*My mom bought me a surprise new CAR!! Yes, I said bought me and I had no idea it was coming. My awesome 90 year old mom is quite the lady and really pulled off an enormous surprise!! I love my new Honda CRV all chosen by my mom.

For now just be happy that all is well--hubby, kids and their spouses, our adopted grand girl, Samantha and parents, my grand-pups, grand kitty and our two dogs and our beloved Jared and Emma who are our grandchildren because of Christy's hubby, Randy!! More later!! We are so happy with our marvelous family!!

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