Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Tagging Game--Come Along and Play

Dedra S. tagged here it goes..The rules:
-You must post the rules before you give your answers.
-You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name.
-Each fact must begin with that letter.
-If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name.
-After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers.
-At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).

My middle name is short.
Sue is it:

Sweet: That is until I get stubborn but I can tell you for sure no one I know nor anyone in my family thinks I am stubborn. Sweet all the way! Plus you see, my two bio children, Brian and Christy are not stubborn and my husband is not stubborn and our sweet daughter-in-law Megan is not stubborn and our Special son-in-law Randy is not stubborn. None of our adopted sons or daughters or any of our dogs or their dogs or cats are stubborn. We are the Sweet Family!

Under and Up: You usually find me under a table looking for a child or something lost in the preschool room or up above a child trying to figure out what is happening and or what we are doing next. The only problem here is that children are getting taller and I am not. Many children seeming to be stretching toward my height very quickly. So, I guess I will sit down and have fun with the kids and not worry about their height or mine.

Easy: It is so easy to tell me a joke and I just do not get it. It is so easy to tell me something and I will believe it and it is not true. It is so easy for me to go screaming around the house saying. "It is snowing." I so love snow! It is so easy for me to love my two kids and their spouses and the two dogs they have. It is so easy for me to love all the people that have come into our lives because of our own two children. We have so many adopted daughters and sons and soon to have an adopted grand child by Rudy and Anne. It is so easy to look into our world and find so many good things happening in our lives. It is so easy to love kids and dogs and by kids they can be of any age. It is so easy to love the families connected to us through others we know. Our family has grown so much in the last few years with Brian and Christy getting married. It is so easy to care for all the soliders and their families with Randy and Christy being in the Army. Dedra and Ross, you are one of those families. It is so easy to love the children and the families I have had over the past 20 plus years at Our Savior Lutheran Preschool. It is so easy to love those I work with and their families. It is easy to care and love.

Now, it is said I have to tag 3 people so here it goes. I usually do not play these games but it was fun. Thank You Dedra.
I tag Betsy or Jon (whichever one of you wishes to answer this and you are part of the Sweet Family), Jenny because you are part of our Sweet Family and Anne because you and Rudy bless our lives so much.


The Goodfellas said...

well, my middle name is quite a bit longer... i will have to think. i liked reading your answers. :-)

Connie and Vern VH said...

Thank you much Jenny. I always lover reading your blog and especially enjoy getting to see Lucas. Not sure how he is related or if he really is but we consider all of you to be part of the Van Houten Clan. Does Lucas have reddish color hair? In one picture with his adorable outfit from Japan, it sure does look red.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Thanks Connie...I'm glad you played! My mom's middle name is Sue too...good name that one!